GitHub API v3 everyauth Shim

GitHub shut down API v1 and v2 today which will cause apps relying on bnoguchi/everyauth to fail. In lieu of a pull request or package update, here's a quick shim that overwrites the default apiHost and fetchOAuthUser.

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Installing Node from GitHub

Node already has an awesome installer as well as a few version manager options (creationix/nvm, visionmedia/n). But if you just want the flexibility to stay on the bleeding edge or install from a specific commit/tag of interest, building from GitHub is a great alternative.

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Pull Request Basics

I've dropped my share of git bombs and still do, so I know it can be a real pain in the ass — and a bit embarassing — to skip a rebase/pull/merge when working on a pull request, so here's a generic quick reference for the standard GitHub contribution workflow. Every project has it's own guidelines but this should cover the basics.

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